
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

index» » » » » Peanut Butter Snickers Cake

Peanut Butter Snickers Cake

Its my DHs birthday tomorrow and he loves Snickers and anything to do with peanuts, but as he works in a food factory he cant take any product with nuts in it into his work. When I saw this recipe in the BBC Good Food Magazine I knew I just had to save it to make for his birthday.
It was soooo easy to make, just throw all the cake ingredients in a bowl and whip them up with the electric mixer.

They came out beautifully
Errr, you might have noticed that these are cashew nuts rather than peanuts. Well I picked up the smallest pack of, what I thought were, peanuts but they turned out to be cashews (blush) anyhow I wasnt going back to the shops for more nuts, so they just had to do. The picture above shows them covered in icing sugar waiting to go in the oven to caramelise.

The cakes are sandwiched together with peanut butter and caramel sauce, then you melt 100g of milk chocolate with two tablespoons of milk, let it cool a little and spread on the top. Just the carmelised nuts to go on top and youre done.
Heres a closer look, no drooling lol! And before anyone asks, I wont be making this for the retreat next May!

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