
Saturday, March 15, 2014

index» » » » » » » Zucchini Spread Russian Ikra Kабачковая икра

Zucchini Spread Russian Ikra Kабачковая икра

Quite simple recipe from zucchini squash. Kabachkovaya ikra is one of all times favorites. You can puree it and use as a spread or sauce. The word “ikra” in Russian means “caviar". Suitable as a snack on bread alone, perfectly complements the first and meat dishes. With only 4 vegetables ingredients its a perfect combination. I remember making ikra with my mom when I was growing up. I loved it since then. 


3-4 Zucchini 
1 large Onion
3 Carrots 
1-2 Red bell peppers
Garlic optional (I skipped on it)
Salt, pepper, ground coriander
vegetable oil

Cut zucchini into small squares. Saute in oil until ready. Add salt. 
Cut onion and bell pepper into small cubes. Saute until ready.
Shred carrots and saute until desired consistency soft or crunchy. 
Mix all vegetables and saute for a few minutes adding spices.
Tilt skillet a little so oil will go to one side. Discard extra oil. Enjoy it chunky or puree it.

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