
Friday, December 27, 2013

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Walnut Cookies Recipe Oreshki Орешки со Cгущенкой

Simple ingredients, magical dessert! Oreshki means a "small walnut". Combination of crunchy cookies filled with dulce de leche. This traditional dessert cookies, always a party favorite. We always make it for weddings and parties. It will take some time to make it, but its worth it.

My moms recipe (Added on 2/3/2013). Mom made it in oven oreshnithitsa (makes 40 oreshki at time). I made it  in Electric Pastry Maker and it works well in any oreshnitsa.

300 grams  (2 1/2 sticks) butter softened
2 tbs sour cream
1 egg
1/2 tsp ammonia (Bakers ammonia) Russian stores carry it.
1 cup sugar
3 cups flour
1 tsp vanilla

  1. Mix egg, sour cream and ammonia. Set it aside for 10 min.
  2. Whip butter, sugar and 1 cup flour. Use a paddle attachment.
  3. Mix both #1 and #2 together with the rest of the flour on slow.
  4. Refrigerate or use right away. It works well in any choice. 

 Ingredients for Electric Pastry Maker :
2 sticks of Blue Bonnet margarine (It works the best)
1 cup powered sugar
3 yolks
1 tbs mayonnaise
1 tsp baking soda with 1 tbs vinegar over soda
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour (I always use Canadian flour:)

You will need  (click on the name to buy Electric one) Oreshnitsa Electric Pastry Maker       

#2 Dough Recipe for walnuts for cook top: (Buy here for oven oreshnithitsa make 40 oreshki at time)
 2 1/2 sticks of margarine (or butter)
1 cup of sugar powder
3 egg yolks
1/2 tsp. baking soda
3 cups of flour
(Dough should not stick to hands) Spray oreshnitsa with butter before putting the dough.

Put margarine in the mixing bowl mix until fluffy. Add powder sugar. Mix
Add egg yolks one by one while mixing.
Add vanilla and mayo.
Add baking soda and vinegar, mix well.
Add flour and mix. Now the dough is ready.
Preheat oreshnitsa. Put about 2/3 of teaspoon in each opening. Close and bake for for about 3 min.
Open and carefully take oreshki out.
Take out extra pieces at the edge.

Put oreshki in a bowl. I made 2 batches.

To make dulce de leche boil cans of sweetened condensed  milk for 2 1/2 hours.
I make it  a day in advance. It has to cool down completely after boiling.

It will look like caramel. You can fill oreshki just like that. I prefer it with butter.

 Filling with butter:
2 cans dulce de leche
3 sticks softened unsalted butter
Walnuts optional

Whip butter until fluffy.
Add dulce de leche. Mix well.
It will be a little runny. You can  make
in advance and put it a fridge. Or fill oreshki  and put em in a fridge for a little bit.
Fill each half of oreshki.
Stick em together.
Add a piece of walnut.
With a left overs I make wafer cake. Russian stores carry plain wafers.

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