
Saturday, December 21, 2013



No sooner did I land at home after finishing my  trip to the Himalayas, which was real , than I got into a horrible dream. I saw some one was pushing me around in the kitchen and I saw all kinds of things like chicken, lamb meat, onions, broad beans, garlic, Mushroom cauliflowers etc etc along with all kind of cooking gadgets. I did not like it , I guessed that this dream would be over soon and would be followed by  dreams of Himalayas, the snow peaks, the walk through the Cedar and wild Oak forests etc.
Suddenly I realized it was no dream but reality when I heard some one commanding " Few distinguished People are coming tomorrow for lunch , so clean the flat beans and keep ready other ingredients, so that I could cook it as soon as I am back. In the mean time finish cooking your Dum Gobi and special Mutton dish too. I dont want any disturbance in Kitchen when I am busy cooking other dishes."
These are commands and not requests; so had to be obeyed.
But I did not like the idea of cleaning flat beans, plucking coriander leaves from the bunch etc. After all I have now some international recognition as a cook, received many awards from great cooks and foodies ( Thank you so much dear foodie friends). So this kind of preparatory work doesnt fit my status!! But who is going to listen to these!!!
But suddenly I realized , if I did all the work of preparation and even took few photographs, what was left for cooking except stirring with a ladle and pouring the finished product into the serving bowl!! That is not cooking after all! So I decided to publish the recipe in my name, sweet revenge!!
(PS. By the way I have someones permission to publish this in my name as if I have cooked it )
This is an old cooking style with well known coriander leave paste and some spice. There are few variations, which I use some times. With flat beans (sim) the taste is really good. You can use the common bean, the long rounded ones ( dont remember the name). 
Flat bean ( sim) 200 gms
Coriander leaves 200 gm ( or 3 cups leaves)
Garlic 6 puds ( Jain foodies can eliminate this)
Green chili 4  for grinding+2(for seasoning, broken into 2-3 pieces)
Mustard seed 1 level tsp ( for seasoning)
Turmeric powder 1/2 level tsp 
Oil 1 tbsp ( or 2 tsp) 
Sugar 1/2 tsp ( This is called sugar to taste and not for sweetening) 
Salt as required
(See variation in ingredients below but dont try it 1st time) 

Cut the tip of the beans from both sides, ( dont piece) wash
Steam the beans in salted water until these are soft to some extent ( 2-4 min) and keep aside.
Grind Coriander leaves, 4 green chilis ( increase or decrease chili) pinch of salt 
smash and flatten the garlic pods ( dont chop, dont hit too many times.)
In a Kadhai or thick bottom pan . heat oil Give seasoning of Mustard , green chili and smashed garlic. Add the coriander paste, turmeric, sugar , salt  and soute for 1 minute.
Add the beans and keep mixing on medium flame for few minutes. ( 5 -7 minutes). There will be little water left . I mean it wont be dry and dont burn the paste by over frying.)
Eat with rice or chapati


1/2 small tomato chopped fine ( not used here, you can add this immediately after seasoning and fry thoroughly, then add coriander paste and proceed
Hing 1/4 tsp ( 30% active content powder) can be added.
If you love healthy food, add generous amount of oil and keep stirring until oil comes out. I do it some times)
For Jain food, eliminate the garlic, it will be good too.
Happy cooking !!!!

Rare flower for my foodie friends,,,,shot in an abandoned tea garden in Choukari.
These are tea flowers

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