
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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Double Bean Dinner

I usually cook this dish with some Coley Fish but it is nice on its own too so I thought I would post it for you.

1 Green Pepper/Capsicum(sliced)
1 Red Onion(cut into rings)
Hand Full of Mushrooms (quartered)
3-4 Medium Carrots(sliced)
Pinch Curry Leaves Dried
tsp Turmeric
Inch Chunk Fresh Ginger
1 Garlic Clove
Olive Oil
Half Tin Chick Peas
Half Tin Flageolet Beans
Pinch Black Pepper
A Few Fresh Coriander Leaves

First grind the ginger and garlic in the mortar and pestle.

Then add the turmeric and a splash of olive oil and mix into a paste - put to the side for later.

Put separate pan on and heat up both tined beans in the pan, drain once cooked and leave to add to your main at the end.
Fry the onions on a hot heat for a few minutes

Add the chopped carrots and fry for a few more minutes. Then add the curry leaves and ginger paste, mix thoroughly and add a little water to separate it all.

Then add the chopped green peppers, mushrooms and sprinkle of ground pepper and cook on a medium heat.

Once it looks almost cooked add a little fresh coriander and the beans. Cook for a few more minutes. Enjoy:)

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